Friday, December 19, 2008

Wellness Through Movement Schedule for January 2009!

Please note that our schedule is posted for January 2009! Click here to review the classes available and to download the PDF schedule!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Teacher Special for the Holidays!

Our teachers do so much for us and our children, and in all the hustle of the holidays, we sometimes forget to thank them for all their hard work.

Point Pleasant Wellness would like to thank them by offering online specials for their devotion to education... so pass the word along!

Teachers coming in for services must show their county ID in order to receive the discount. This special only lasts for appointments made and gift certificates purchased from December 20, 2008 thru January 3, 2009!

Services include:

  • Deep Tissue/Sports Massage (60 Min): A $95.00 value for $80.75
  • Relaxation Massage (60 Min): A $75.00 vaule for $63.75
  • Foot Reflexology (60 Min): A $75.00 value for $63.75
  • Cleansing Facial (60 Min): A $75.00 value for $63.75

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Amazing Face!

At the Holiday Party here last week, we watched an incredible "demo" of the DNA Cryogenic Skin Therapy system on one of our "family," Robin H. When Robin got up after the process, we all said, "WOW!" The words younger, firmer, and glowing came to mind instantly. Furthermore, we saw Robin again after 4 days and her skin still had the visible effects from the process. According to Joanne Latona, one "peaks" between 4-7 days after the process, and that the DNA Cryostem Skin Therapy System is the perfect 100% natural and professional system for any aesthetic practice. With her own face, Joanne reports that using the DNA systems has literally given her a "new face." Thank you to Stacy and Joshua for your expert demo and training.
As you might have guessed, the DNA Skin Rejuvenation Therapies are available here at Point Pleasant Wellness Spa. Want a "New Face" for 2009? Give yourself or someone you care about an AMAZING FACE.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Holiday Party

Save this date! Our annual holiday party will be on Friday December 5, from 2-8:30 Point Pleasant Wellness Spa. Fun food, great intro talks from guest speakers, gift baskets and gift certifictes available and more...just mark your calendar now, more information coming!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Welcome to the Point Pleasant Blog!

We at the Point Pleasant family are delighted to join the ranks of current bloggers. There is so much going on at our spa these days, one way to keep you updated is through the use of blogs...As one of the staff here, I'm thrilled to kick-off the very first blog ever! My name is Jessie Keener and I'm the Nutritionist at the spa. Welcome to the spot where the very best in body and skin care, mind and soul all get nourished and fulfilled. This fall is shaping up beautifully with lots of new classes in everything from detoxification to Nia, from holiday destressing to core stregth and yoga.
In the twenty years I've been in practice I've never been as "pumped" as I am right now with the array of professionals that have come together to provide YOU with the tools and services you must have to be and beauty...inside...out..JK