Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Welcome to the Point Pleasant Blog!

We at the Point Pleasant family are delighted to join the ranks of current bloggers. There is so much going on at our spa these days, one way to keep you updated is through the use of blogs...As one of the staff here, I'm thrilled to kick-off the very first blog ever! My name is Jessie Keener and I'm the Nutritionist at the spa. Welcome to the spot where the very best in body and skin care, mind and soul all get nourished and fulfilled. This fall is shaping up beautifully with lots of new classes in everything from detoxification to Nia, from holiday destressing to core stregth and yoga.
In the twenty years I've been in practice I've never been as "pumped" as I am right now with the array of professionals that have come together to provide YOU with the tools and services you must have to be balanced...health and beauty...inside...out..JK