Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Zap & Hide" from Jane Iredale for Acne and Ingrown Hairs

Available in February at Point Pleasant Wellness, a holistic day spa in Ft Lauderdale, will be a new acne product from Jane Iredale Mineral Cosmetics (a dual ended product design that is similar to the "Sugar & Butter" lip exfoliator and hydrator). The treatment side contains the new acne-fighting peptide called Tego Policosanol which reduces excess sebum secretion without drying the skin. It also inhibits the growth of microorganisms while tea tree leaf oil adds antiseptic qualities. On the camouflage side there are blemish-fighting properties with mineral pigment for coverage.

If you have an active blemish or pimple, you can use the treatment side morning and night to help fight the bacteria and to minimize the size of the blemish.

It is also a great product for men who have problems with ingrown hairs. Applying the "Zap" to the ingrown will help heal and fight the bacteria. Then use "Hide" to cover or cancel out the redness.


Anonymous said...

sounds like an amazing product for my teen. How often do they need the treatment done? Thanks!

Point Pleasant Wellness said...

This 'at home' product is designed to be used as needed. It's a new product that we should have in the spa by the end of the first week of March. Feel free to call me to set up a complimentary demonstration. Be well! -Joanne